Ready for a new Multi-Media Ebook series starring an inter-species family?

Fiona and me. I believe that our cat, cleo who passed a day before told her Mother that she needed to live with us. This is a story I will share in the book.

Fiona and me. I believe that our cat, cleo who passed a day before told Fiona’s Mother that she needed to live with us. This is a story I will share in the book.

I love the ease of creating a new ebook and putting it  on the web. It can take very little mazoola to produce it. If I want to make hard copies of my book that can be a reality. Recently I had a reading with a good friend, Tana Newberry,  at Angel Heart 4 You, in Bencia, CA who talks with Angels. And we are conversing with the Angels about the music project I am currently working on to raise funds and awareness for the Bat World Sanctuary.  Things seem to be on track. The angels say everything is in place. My feedback is to keep meditating and ask for guidance If I start feeling fearful or overwhelmed. Then my friend, Tana (Newberry) asked me if I had thought about writing a book. I had been toying over that idea because we have so many great experiences living with our 4-legged kids, I have been wanting to share more stories about our family. We really have a unique family tree. Two humans, 3 cats, 1 rabbit, 7 house plants and various crystals and stones and we all co-habitate under one roof. Do I communicate with every-one in the house-Yes! We may be in different body types, but we seem to communicate to the degree we are able. Now I am not a botanist, but when It comes to my plants, I can feel their energy when they want water or healing energy. And when I am connected to them, I can feel a energy that I interpret as pure joy. I have a special Elestial crystal I named Angelica. She feels like a youngster and when I hold her I can sense a giggling kind of energy. She loves being with the plants on the mantel. Sometimes I will hold her and rock her. I can feel a presence in her. I read that Elestials are very good in healing childhood trauma. We also have a nice size Rose Quartz and crystal Quartz that I use in my healing circles. I use a lot of selenite for keeping the energy in the house balanced and peaceful. I meditate everyday and 2 to 3 times a week I do a major Angel Therapy meditation that clears and balances the house, our family and friends. Why do I want to write a book about our family? Because I want other people to know that families that have human and non-human kids have struggles, challenges, loss when a family member dies, but there are also so much joy, love, compassion, happy surprises that we encounter on a daily basis. I have been taking more photos of the 4-legged kids and shooting more video that will go in the book. I want other people to see how much joy a rabbit can feel when they are doing their daily thing of interacting with their family. Or a cat that developed his own hand signals to communicate with me. I also want to share the experiences when we had to say goodbye to some of our kids when they crossed “The Rainbow Bridge”. It was sad, but so many blessings came out of this too. One thing I can share now is that they communicated with our family after they left their bodies to let us know they are ok. So I am excited on this new project. I am still working on a title. But I am leaning towards “Our Family Tree”.

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