Archive | March 2012

Spring is just around the corner and my spirit is already blooming!

Flower Deva Spirit, Watercolor, glitter paint, ink

Spring is the time for rebirth, renewal. I love this season. I can feel the energy of new growth all around me. I have a new CD, “Let Their Voice Be Heard” being released on March 25th along with the concert at the Vallejo Spiritual Center for Living;  new job, new position serving on the Board of Trustees at my church. I am still having fun producing my show, The Paw Stops Here. My husband and I are still loving and liking each other. My 4-legged kids and I continue to evolve in our relationship. They listen more because I listen more. I had a conversation with a friend and said if you want to know how to communicate with your animals better, all you have to do is quiet your mind and listen.

The concert is shaping up nicely. Ed Rosenback, Lee Wingfield and myself were interviewed for the local paper, the article came out yesterday, Rich Freedman did a great job and jokingly referred to us as Peter, Paul and Mary; I love their music so that was a big complement. This Friday, I am being inteviewed on the local Radio Station, OZCAT (that seems appropriate, being that it has Cat in the name!) I put a PSA on my TV station, VCAT (another name with cat in it, is this a theme?) My life is unfolding as if someone waved a magic wand and said what ever you want, just wave your wand and I do because the words I speak and declare is my wand (thank you Ernest Holmes).

Because my life continues to flow in harmonious ways. I know I am allowing my good to pour in. The CD and concert, My new job, my loving marriage, the great relationship I have with all our Four-legged kids-All these things are telling me that I am in alignment with the flow of spirit and the Law of Attraction is responding.

I have another opportunity to give my “Let Their Voice Be Heard” concert in San Francisco. There are things in the works for the Mendocino area. I love doing my spiritual work It is a jo(y)-not a jo(b).  What is pouring into my life is an example of what can happen when you open your arms to receive and ask. That is what Jesus meant when he said, (I am paraphrasing) all these things I do you can do also. As a way of sharing my gratefulness. I want to close with a blessing:

The love of the  Infinite Presence is with me today and always. It flows in everything I see, I feel,  touch and I am one with this loving source that created me.

So I declare today that I continue to bless my gratitude that is flowing in my life right now all the love, the prosperity, the beauty, the joy is everywhere present and I also declare that every being on the planet also has the gifts of the Universe pouring in and as the waking mind of all the beings of the planet acknowledges this simple truth, the gifts are revealed in the perfect way.

I am so grateful for the many ways it manifests in my life and for all my brothers and sisters on the planet (in what ever form they are in).

So I release these words of joy to the Universal Mind of the Infinite Presence and I know that my words come back to me multiplied abundantly.

And so it is!


Come one, Come all to my concert

I finally got the PSA (Public Service Announcement) to play on my station, VCAT, Channel 27. I just wanted to share with you all. It is also on YouTube right now. Here it is without any further delay:

CD Cover for Let Their Voice Be Heard

March 25th is almost here!


It is getting close to March 25th, the day of the concert. I am nervous, yet excited. I am working on a Public Service Announcement to air on VCAT, the community access station I am a member of. I currently have a show airing on the station titled, “The Paw Stops Here”. This is another way to get the word out. It is coming together nicely. I am struggling a bit. I caught a cold and have been staying home nurturing myself and resting. So I am taking it easy. I am very pleased with the flow of this PSA. When it is all done, I will post it here and on YouTube. If you are not able to attend, please keep in mind you can still contribute to Loma Vista Farm. They do so much good good work for the community. They teach people how to honor and respect the land and animals, how to grow your own vegetables, environmental education. Many schools go there on field trips. Many kids would not be exposed to this otherwise. So I am happy to help raise funds for this worthy organization. For more information about the concert check out the Visions Alchemy Visionary Events. To find out more about Loma Vista Farm go to

There is more to come. Stay tuned!

Life is what happens when you are making other “Concert” plans

I borrowed this phrase from my hero and spiritual muse, John Lennon. He was a Visionary peace activist. When He and Yoko did the bed-in for peace, my take on it was that they were saying when you focus on peace and advocate on a non-violent level, those are the results you get. It is how the Law of Attraction works. When you focus on what you want to happen, your thoughts turn in to vibrations that the Universe matches and those are the results you get.

I know I have digressed. I am really here to talk about my upcoming concert to promote my new CD, “Let Their Voice Be Heard”. I have the concert line up. A reporter, Rich Freedman, is going to do an article in our local paper. I have sent out all the Evites, I designed the posters. There have been some changes with our guest singers, but this is life, it changes all the time. someone once  said, “Change is great, routine is lethal”. So when circumstances came up and two of the original singers had to bow out gracefully. We made some changes.

Our new line up of singers are (besides myself) are Lee Wingfield, Alex Richardson and Ed Rosenback. They all share the passion of bringing better understanding between all beings on the planet.  I feel so blessed and grateful for sharing the stage with these talented, people. When we work together, it is all play. There is an infectious enthusiasm that creates wonderful nuances to the arrangements I created and turned them into something even more magical and poignant.

Lee Wingfield,(L), Alex Richardson, and Ed Rosenback

I am even more confident that what is being created is part of the shift that is occuring to  all beings on the planet.  Animals are being more open to many new behaviors that we didn’t see before. They are now feeling safe to let their true personalities come out. They know that there are humans who really want to listen to what they have to say. This concert project is a small part in the cosmic grid we are all on. I have this inner feeling that all who attend the concert will be filled with the spirit of love, compassion and embody the feelings that animals want to share with us. They will feel it as they listen to the story these songs. They will experience the spirit of the animals who will be here to fill the void with these new insights. And everyone who attends will be sending these out to other beings on the planet. This is the path of the peaceful warrior, our shield is our words and our swords or arrows are our words. If you are not able to attend this event, please hold a space of love and peace at 1:30 to 3:00PM, PST to move the message of our concert.  You are needed to keep the new movement going. Remember we are all connected to each other.